… in Canadian Law, there are only Civil Unions, and those not very civil to men.
(draft) 2019, Davd
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is being shamed by Liberals and to some extent by NDP Leader Singh, for saying, over a dozen years ago, that same-sex couples should be allowed “civil unions” but not Christian marriage. So strange are the ways of political campaigning, that the facts of the matter have been largely, perhaps entirely ignored. There is no recognition of, no support for Christian marriage and its ilk, in Canadian law. What Scheer said same-sex couples should be allowed in 2005, is the best Canadian law allows to any couples today.
Christian marriage ceremonies typically include promises to stay together
“For better or for worse,
whether richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health
so long as we both shall live.”
Canadian law uses the 8-letter M-word, but does not support, much less enforce, those promises. Under Canadian law as practiced, one of the couple can get a divorce without the consent of the other, and without being shown to have wronged the other.
The rather famous “Misandry Bubble” blog asserts that marriage along the lines of the Christian model that happens to be familiar to me, is what, “[w]hen applied over an entire population of humans, … was known as ‘civilization’.” Civilization depended on marriage, lifelong faithful marriage, to motivate the work force… and such marriage was a foundation aspect of civilizations with several different, dominant religions.1
The CBC’s Aaron Wherry recently wrote, “The Conservatives, [in 2005], were proposing that same-sex couples could instead be covered by ‘civil unions’.” Neither Wherry nor Scheer seems to have noticed that the “Civil Marriage Act” now provides “civil unions”, and weak ones, nothing better; not only for same-sex couples, but all couples. The Christian model is not a supported option; while at least one familiar, widely cited source affirms socially healthy marriage to be more like the Christian model than like today’s Canadian law.
Feminism is also mentioned in Glubb’s The Fate of Empires… as associated with their decadence [p. 15]2. It seems that a relatively respected Indo-American “Futurist” blogger and the British military officer and historian who founded the first modern Arab army (and wrote three-plus decades earlier), concur that Feminism is not good for civilizations.
The degradation of marriage, according to “the Futurist” especially, is destructive of civilization. He writes more of the United States than of Canada, but Nathanson and Young [2006] indicate that the baleful effects of divorce laws and precedents are similar in the two countries. Civil unions, easily dissolved to the disadvantage of men and especially disadvantage of fathers [Brown, 2013, Nathanson and Young, 2006], are societally destructive.
The 8-letter M-word is used for its name, but what Canadian ‘marriage’ constitutes is not a lifelong covenant; it is a civil contract and weaker than most.
That’s all any Canadian can have in 2019, and all that Canadian law has respected (I hesitate to say “enforced” because of the unhappy state of divorce law as practiced in recent years; cf. Brown, 2013, Nathanson and Young, 2001, 2006)
What Liberal Governments have provided for same-sex couples, is the sort of “civil union” Scheer said they should be allowed in 2005 — or less — and they are shaming him for saying it? Considering the beneficial effects of traditional marriage, the shame should be theirs…and apparently, the NDP’s as well.